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The wholesaler of packaging materials

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Delivery at DPD pick-up point

Delivery at DPD pick-up point

In addition to home delivery, it is possible to have your order delivered to a DPD pick-up point. These are often shops with extensive opening times, often on weekends.

How does it work?

All items in the webshop that indicate that they can be delivered on Saturday can also be picked up at a DPD pick-up point. The other items are too big or too heavy to be delivered at a DPD pick-up point.

In the ordering process you can indicate that you want the order to be delivered at a DPD pick-up point. You can then enter your postcode and there will be an overview with the different pick-up points in your area. You can then select your pick-up point.

You will receive 2 text messages on your mobile phone, 1 message stating that the package has been sent and 1 message that it has been delivered to your DPD pick-up point.

The package is ready for collection at the DPD pick-up point for 8 working days. Then the package is returned to us by the DPD. These incurred costs will not be credited. If the package needs to be resent, shipping costs will be charged again.

If you choose delivery to a DPD pick-up point, delivery on invoice is not possible.

This delivery option is available in the Netherlands, Belgium, and Germany, and no additional costs will be charged apart from the shipping costs, if applicable.

Important information:

It is important that the name of the contact person specified in the order is the same person who picks up the package at the DPD pick-up point. Only the person mentioned on the package will receive the package.

If you go to the pick-up point to pick up your order, please bring along the text message to show the package number to the desk clerk and a valid ID.

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